Sabtu, Juni 13, 2009

i miss my Mom

15.20 |


She Used to be my enemy and never letting me be free,
catching me in places that I know I shouldn't be,
Every other day I crossed the line
I didn't mean to be so bad,
I never thought you would become a friend I never had

Back then I didn't know why,
Why you were misunderstood (mama),
So now I see through your eyes,
all that you did was love

Mama I love you, Mama I care,
Mama I love you, Mama my friend,
You're my friend

I didn't want to hear it then but
I'm not ashamed to say it now,
Every little thing you said and did was right for me,
I had a lot of time to think about,
about the way I used to be,
Never had a sense of my responsibility.

Back then I didn't know why,
why you were misunderstood,
So now I see through your eyes,
all that you did was love,

Mama I love you, Mama I care,
Mama I love you, Mama my friend,
You're my friend ,you're my friend

But now I'm sure I know why (I know why),
why you were misunderstood,
So now I see through your eyes,
all I can give you is love (all I can give you is love),

Mama I love you, Mama I care,
Mama I love you, Mama my friend,
Mama I love you, Mama I care,
Mama I love you, Mama my friend,
You're my friend, you're my friend

Ohh, my mama my love
Ohh, my mama my love

In lobe in you, in love in me
And love is true and guaranteed

Im loving you,you loving me
our love thats true so true

by: Spice Girls

Lov U Mom, miss U Mom....
far away from u always remind me all things about U

This song dedicated to my Active Mom, Mrs. Purwantini Garwono :)

10 komentar:

andie mengatakan...

heheh :D

Ratusya mengatakan...

gua kira lu ngarang... kaga taunya lagu...

gua kangen my soulmate...
*soulmate who?!*

Ariyanti mengatakan...

Hmmm... Baru nyadar, lagu Spice girl itu kok "kena" banget ya ke diriku... Jadi pengen denger lagi lagunya. Kemana ya tuh lagu...?

kurniawan.q mengatakan...

alhamdulilah masih banyak yang masih mempunyai mama, tidak seperti aku mamaku sudah tiada

anggaarie mengatakan...


Au' mengatakan...

Just 4 my mom - Sheila on 7

Stop Dreaming Start Action! mengatakan...

wah jadi Rindu Ibu nih...
Salam Kenal Mba,,

Luthfi Fuadi Majid

isti mengatakan...

judul lagunya apa tuh? jadi kangen sama ibu..

zfly mengatakan...

hemm... jangan teringat sama ibu nih :)

yapp... kasih ibu sepanjang masa.
salam ya mbak.

buwel mengatakan...
